Tuesday, November 4, 2014

French Women And The Age of Les Miserables


One of my favorite novels or musical is Les Miserables. This 1862 novel written by Victor Hugo is set in France during a time when the pheasants will try to defeat the nobles.  The musical by Claude-Michs Schonberg . During this period,  women of little means had few choices. When it came to taking care of themselves and their children., especially when they had been abandoned by a man. While this play has many aspects to it, I would like to look through the "eyes" of  Fantine. The moral philosophy, that women who fell in love & become pregnant are thrown to the curb like the street urchins.  In order to support  her beloved child Cosette, she had to give her to a less than respected couple so she could work at a factory. When she was found out she was fired and had to take to the streets to earn money. She sold her hair and well as her two front teeth.  Still needing money Fatine sells herself  on the streets and becomes very ill. After becoming sick she gives custody of the child to the man who fired her. He blames himself for her illness.  Cosettes life becomes so different then her mothers. This is a look at the times when a women had to fend for herself. And what society did to these helpless women and their children.

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