Sunday, July 13, 2014

Le Train Bleu Restaurant Paris, France

One thing that you will find in Paris, France is amazing restaurants. There are so many that you wouldn't be able to visit them all in a lifetime. And you would probably run out of money. This establishment was built in 1900. The architectural wonder  is without words. Enjoy the photos and let's pretend we are meeting are secret lover and then off to the theater.
It was upon the occasion of the Universal Exhibition in 1900 that the Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean (PLM) Company built the restaurant. In the beginning, it was called the “Buffet de la Gare de Lyon” (Lyon Station Buffet).
It was renamed “Le Train Bleu” in 1963, in tribute to the celebrated “Paris-Vintimiglia” service, then granted historical monument status in 1972 by Jacques Duhamel.

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